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Our Resources

CBEAR provides practical guides, publications, and virtual seminars
that apply to conservation programming. A selection of actionable
resource tools can be searched by name and category here.

Our Insights

CBEAR works with conservation program administrators and their partners to incorporate behavioral insights into program designs. 


People look to what others are doing as a guide for their own behavior.

The Pull of Social Comparisons


The most sophisticated programs are the simplest.

The Costs of Complexity

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It’s not just how much incentive you offer, but how you offer it.

Gains from Avoiding Losses


Innovate by running experiments in your programs

Test, Learn, Adapt

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Use this framework to strengthen your agri-environmental program with behavioral insights.


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Leveraging Randomness to Boost Participation

Overweighting Small Chances

Our Latest Publications


Our Videos

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Dr. Kent Messer

April 4, 2022

The Right Water for the Right Response

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Dr. Hongli Feng

March 21, 2022

An Application in Veterinary Diagnostic Decisions

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Dr. David Pannell

January 28, 2022

Reducing Agricultural Water Pollution

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Dr. Leah Palm-Forster

February 14, 2022

Lessons and Recommendations for Conducting Research


Dr. Jens Rommel

March 7, 2022

Farmer's Risk Attitudes in 11 European Farming Systems


Dr. Paul J. Ferraro

Dr Pallavi Shukla

September 21, 2021 

A Replicability Crisis in Agricultural Economics

On the Laptop

Let's Stay in Touch

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The Center of Behavioral & Experimental Agri-Environmental Research (CBEAR) is a global community of scientists studying what leads to the adoption and persistence of conservation most effectively.  We also test to determine whether simpler application processes can deliver higher levels of program participation and landowner satisfaction. 



© 2022 The Center for Behavioral and Experimental Agri-Environmental Research (CBEAR) is a USDA Center of Excellence.

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