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Moving from Adoption to Sustainability

Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) is defined by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization as a global effort that helps to transform and reorient agricultural systems to effectively support development and ensure food security in a changing climate.


At CBEAR, we aim to ensure the implementation and persistence of smart agricultural practices.

The Three Pillars


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Sustainably Increase Agricultural Productivity and Livelihoods

Image by Scott Goodwill

Enhance Adaptive Capacity and Increase Resilience

Planting a Tree

Deliver Ecosystem Services, Sequester Carbon, and Reduce and/or Avoid Greenhouse Gas Emissions


How CSA is implemented


Expanding Agricultural Research

and Information


Supporting the Development of

Relevant Policy


Strengthening National and

Local Institutions


Enhancing Financing Options


Implementing Practices at the Field Level

Climate-Smart Techniques for Farmers

Cover Cropping

Cover cropping is when farmers plant a supplemental crop on fields between growing seasons in order to retain soil nutrients and reduce erosion from bare fallows. Cover cropping increases productivity of the soil by increasing soil organic matter, which also aids in carbon sequestration and increasing soil biodiversity.

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The Center of Behavioral & Experimental Agri-Environmental Research (CBEAR) is a global community of scientists studying what leads to the adoption and persistence of conservation most effectively.  We also test to determine whether simpler application processes can deliver higher levels of program participation and landowner satisfaction. 



© 2022 The Center for Behavioral and Experimental Agri-Environmental Research (CBEAR) is a USDA Center of Excellence.

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