How We Get Involved
We start with examining the application process of conservation programs. We also target groups of farmers with relatively low conservation practice adoption. In particular, historically underserved producers (HUP) to find out what is getting in their way of accessing conservation programs.
Ensuring the Future of Agriculture
The average age of an American farmer is approaching 60 years and 100 million acres of farmland is set to change hands over the next five years, a potential nationwide shortage of farmers is a primary problem.
The actions we take over this next decade will define the planet's path over the next century. CBEAR is urgently taking on the barriers that prevent sustainable agriculture. Our research also seeks to create greater pathways to smart farming practices by creating the evidence of its benefits for communities. What we achieve is just as important as how. By letting science guide our focus and equity guide our execution, we can shape a better future for our planet.

Our Targets

Beginning Farmers
The agricultural industry has substantial barriers to entry. We look for ways to ease this barrier with conservation incentives.

Historically Underserved
Historically underserved farmers are those that face increased challenges in the agricultural industry due to their income, background, or identity.

Socially Disadvantaged
Socially disadvantaged farmers are those who have been subject to racial or ethnic prejudice because of their identity as members of a group without regard to their individual qualities.

Veteran Farmers
Veteran farmers are beginning farmers who served in the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, or Coast Guard.