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CBEAR Welcomes New New Postdocs

October 18, 2022

Stay tuned for an announcement about dates and presenters!

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The Center for Behavioral and Agri-Environmental Research will be hosting their annual Virtual Research Seminars early this spring. Every year, the Center selects experts from across fields to present their research through our seminars. This year, CBEAR will be selecting their esteemed presenters from the food policy paper submissions. Stay tuned for the seminar date and presenters announcement!

Last year the seminar topics ranged from “Reducing Agricultural Water Pollution” with Dr. David Pannell, who has recently joined the center’s Distinguished Fellows, to antibiotic use testing in the veterinary field with Dr. Hongli Feng. Dr. Kent Messer, one of the CBEAR co-directors, also presented about “Increasing Social Acceptance of the Use of Recycled Water In Agriculture.” 


Learn More About Our Postdoctoral Fellows Here.

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The Center of Behavioral & Experimental Agri-Environmental Research (CBEAR) is a global community of scientists studying what leads to the adoption and persistence of conservation most effectively.  We also test to determine whether simpler application processes can deliver higher levels of program participation and landowner satisfaction. 



© 2022 The Center for Behavioral and Experimental Agri-Environmental Research (CBEAR) is a USDA Center of Excellence.

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